Technologies Experienced


HyperPerform System

This is an automated performance tracking tool, that was developed by 3 of us for a final year project. This project was aimed at developers and monitors integrations such as GitHub and Travis. It is an open source project and can easily be modified for other integrations by adapters due to its pluggability.

TANK Hub (*)

A work in progress solution platform for small business's in South Africa to communicate and show off their businesses to potential investors. There is a unique scaling factor that is taken into consideration to give a business ratings so that investors can see what is up and rising.

YugiDex (*)

A full system for a Yu-Gi-Oh card game that consists of a back-end system that exposes a REST API engine for people (developers) to retrieve card information and be able to source prices for them. There is also a mobile application that will allow users to be able to monitor and use the API in a clean and graphical way.


A Microsoft Windows Registry Acquisition Tool ensuring secure forensic processes and checks. The tool acquire dumps of the Registry using regexport as well as using Volume Shadow Copy (VSS) to copy the physical hive (registry) files from a computer. The tool ia portable and logs and hashes all the acquired data in a forensically sound manner.


A Microsoft Windows Registry Analysis Tool ensuring secure forensic processes whilst performing push button analysis. This tool is a powerful tool for finding evidential information with speed and forensically sound.

Truffle Butter

An ERC20 Ethereum based token for Unlock the Block Hackathon. We created a ERC20 token to solve the problem of a lack of transparency in Social Impact funding, by creating smart contracts to mint and burn tokens to track the flow of funds.

Fraud Analysis

A simple fraud analysis project on insurance claims which involved creating a database, cleaning the data, performing EDA (Exploratory data analysis), PPDM (privacy preserving data mining) and machine learning.

Weka Comparator

Simple tree parser, takes in a TREE or PART file from Weka and converts to a excel table of rules and labels with positive and negative matches as well as a percentage. The rules are then matched to the test input and is stored in a specific format. This can be filtered based on percentage and number of positive samples.


Simple loyalty card mobile application that stores all your loyalty cards in one place so you do not have to carry the physical cards with you when you go shopping. This is a side project and will not be actively developed unless features are requested or bugs are reported.

W2RC (*)

Windows Registry and RAM collector - prototype tool for ransomware detection and evidence collection using the cuckoo framework [WIP] -- Currently under development

W3RS (*)

Windows Registry and RAM Readiness Storage - prototype tool for secure storage of potential digital evidence with access control and MFA. This tool works hand in hand with W2RC.


Digital Forensic Science (DigiForS) - design and creator of the research groups website.


Intelligent Cyber Forensics Lab - website design and head of the lab.

MalFe (*)

MalFe - Malware Feature Engineering Platform.

(*) - indicates work in progress...


Conferences / Workshops

Achievements / Merits